Monday, June 4, 2012

Fake nails, fake hair, fake tan, fake personality equals a fake girl. Girls who dye their hair a thousand times  and spray tan themselves until they are 10 shades darker are fake, they aren't being themselves,  they are hiding the real them behind tans and makeup. No one wants to get  to know a girl who pretends like she's someone else and try's to be something she is not to get attention. People want to get to know girls who are themselves, and our confident with the way they naturally are and look. Fake nails, and spray tans don't make you beautiful its makes you fake. Being real is what makes every girl beautiful, so don’t ever try to hide yourself behind makeup and fake tans, just be real.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Senseless Violence

   What comes to mind when you think of lotteries? Does money, happiness or fortune? Well the lottery in the short story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, is not something you want to win.  This lottery was different from the others, the winner of the lottery doesn't get money and happiness, the winner gets stoned to death against his or her will. 

           The lottery begins with each man in each family throughout the entire community, must pick a piece of paper out of a big black box.  The man with the black circle on their paper is the one who won the lottery. Next, the winning man must bring his entire family up to the black box and each family member must pick a lottery ticket from another box. Who ever got the black dot out of the family, is the winner of the whole lottery. This lucky winner is forced to get stoned by the entire community. Once the winner I dead, the lottery ends and the big black box is put away until next time. 

           This makes the theme for the short story senseless violence. That is because there in no point of reason for the winner of the lottery to have to die, they just do it because the instructor (Mr. Summers) tells them that’s what has to happen.  Mr. Summers claims that " is what keeps our community civilized", however many civilians disagree. Mr. Walters (a civilian) stated that no other communities do this anymore and how he wasn't sure if their community still should. Mr. Summers came back saying how it is a tradition and is something that must be continued. Although, many civilians disagree and don't want to continue the violent tradition that tears their community apart. That  is why the main theme of the story, "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, is senseless violence.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Take Care of Me

*Authors Note: This is a creative piece I wrote from the point of view of a window that feels unwanted and unloved by everyone*.
Dear Diary, 

It's  April 23, I sit here, still unwashed, watching the snow as it slowly melts and the flowers beautifully begin to bloom.  However I am only able to watch from the very top of me because all the dirt has covered more than half of my, what use to be shining glass.  My owner has placed a sign on me which says "Wash Me", no one does. Although, some people do come and go, but never have the time or dedication to stop and wash me off. So, I sit here as the days go by hoping that the right person will stop and take there time to take care of me.

~The window

Friday, April 27, 2012

Truth about Mitosis

Truth about Mitosis
            Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Leukemia, Brain Cancer, and many more, all begin with one terrible process, mitosis. Mitosis is the leading cause of all types of cancer. The horrifying, death taking cancer all starts with mitosis, which is the process of the splitting of chromosomes within the nucleus (Microbus).

Although, there is more to how mitosis really produces cancer cells. Cancer is produced when the process of mitosis loses control and overly produces and divides cells when your body doesn’t need them.  This is a loss of normal growth control (Orgins of Cancer). No matter what type of cancer it is, this out of control cell growth is what causes it. Once the mitosis has created the cancer cell, the cancer cells usually travel throughout different parts of the body and begin to grow and replace the tissue. So you could never smoke in your life but still get lung cancer (Orgins of Cancer).
            However, once the mitosis spreads the cancer cell around the body it is still only considered one type of cancer, and that is determined by where the mitosis first began to split the chromosomes. For example, if cells from liver cancer transfer to another organ such as lungs, the cancer is still liver cancer and is not considered lung cancer (What is cancer). This is because the mitosis originally split and created cancer cells in the liver and traveled to your lungs so it makes the cancer liver cancer. Doctors are capable of once finding a cancer cell, tracking where it originally formed.
            After the doctors have determined what type of cancer a person has, they give that patient many treatment options. There are about 10 main treatments doctors recommend to all different patients for all kinds of cancer. These top ten treatments are, Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, Targeted Therapy, Immunotherapy, Hyperthermia, Bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cell transplant, Photodynamic Therapy, Lasers in cancer treatment and lastly, Blood product donation and transfusion (Treatment Types).  The most popular treatment that cancer patients chose is surgery. Surgery is also the most accurate out of all the treatments.  This is because with surgery you are able to remove the cancer completely right away. However, surgery might now be an option depending on the patient’s health information and how long the cancer has been going on and spreading and how quickly they caught it (Treatment Types). 

            So as you can tell cancer can be a very serious condition, very life threatening and scary. Many people’s lives are taken away from them so quickly all because of mitosis, all because of chromosomes splitting inside of the nucleus. This is why mitosis is the leading cause of cancer because it is the process in which cancer cells are created, and that is the scary truth behind mitosis.


"Analyzing DNA Evidence ." DNA Initiative. 18 4 2012 <>.
"Does human DNA come from a Virus?" 8 January 2010. Prevent Disease . 18 April 2012 <>.
"Microbus." Mitosis. 17 April 2012 <>.
"Orgins of Cancer." 6 2 2012. National Cancer Institute . 18 April 2012 <>.
"Treatment Types." 2012. American CAncer Society . 20 April 2012 <>.
"What is cancer." 2010. Cancer Discovery. 20 April 2012 <>.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Truth About Love.

   *Authors Note: This essay is a theme essay on the book “Perfect Chemistry” by Simone Elkeles.*

                Do you believe in love at first sight? Well Brittany and Alex did they both knew they were in love with each other the first time they saw each other in Chemistry class and the first time they got to work with each other and the sparks flew. That is why love is the main theme in the book “Perfect Chemistry” by, Simone Elkeles. 
First off, Brittany and Alex were made Chemistry partners in Chemistry Class. The only thing is that Brittany and Alex are two different people and they don’t see eye to eye on anything. So when Brittany and Alex were partnered up together, they got so mad at the fact they had to be with each when they didn’t want to be, that in class they didn’t have a very good start. Alex would always make fun of Brittany, and Brittany did the same to him. Although, things turned with them when they both reached for the bottle of water and their hands collided. Little did they know that, that was the first step into their secret relationship.
However, Brittany isn’t always the easiest person to be around but when Brittany went to a party at the beach. She got sick it was Alex who grabbed her and bought her to safety. Everyone kept passing Brittany around because no one wanted to take care of her but when Alex saw this going on he grabbed her and took her home to safety without being harmed. Alex didn’t care who saw him doing this he just cared for Brittany and no one would step up to help her but Alex.  Alex came through for her and was Brittany’s knight in shining armor. 
Lastly, it’s hard to see the person you love do something to put themselves in harm. When Alex was going to do a drug deal Brittany couldn’t stand for it. She couldn’t watch him throw his life away and risk getting hurt. Alex meant the world to Brittany and when Brittany didn’t want him to do the deal she poured out her feelings to him and said “Alex you’re my world and I can’t watch you go through with this so it’s the deal or me.”  Alex had given up the deal for Brittany because, Brittany was the only thing he wanted in life.
“I love you now, I loved you then and I have loved you way back when” This quote resembles they way Alex gave up his life for Brittany and Brittany has done the same for Alex. That is why the clear theme in the book Perfect Chemistry is love.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lyrics v.s Poem

"Big Yellow Taxi" is wrote to let people know that you don't know what you got until its gone. The tone the author set for this poem/song is that she is depressed, and sad because they took something away from her that meant a lot. They mood is you feel sad but inspired by her because the readers know now to  don’t take things you have for granted. However, the song was very different, the mood seemed happy and the tone was almost cheerful. When I read it as a poem it came off sad but she sings the song happily.  This shows that maybe I shouldn't have took the poem the way I did and maybe I should have looked at it from different points of view also. Although, it almost confuses me because the words seem sad but her tone of voice when she sings it seem really happy. It frustrates me because now I don’t have a clue about what  the mood or tone of this songs is!

"Field Below" is wrote to let the readers know that once something is gone for good you will miss it and wish it never left.  The tone is very regretful, the writer regrets her decision of leaving her hometown for the city. That reflects on the mood of the song and makes the readers/listeners  very sad for the girl in the song. However, unlike the song "Big Yellow Taxi", once I listened to "Field Blow" the mood of the song stays the same, even the way she sings it makes the listeners feel sad for her.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Family As We Know It.

*Author'snote- This is a 5 paragraph essay on graded on theme from the book "Rules Of The Road." *
Each family has got its share of problems and it’s about working through those problems as a family, that’s what makes you a stronger family. Same goes for Jenna in the book “Rules Road of the Road” her family has got its share of problems but Jenna promised her sister that they would work thought those problems and become a better and stronger family. That is why the main theme in the book Rules of the Road is family.
To start off with, Jenna’s father is an alcoholic and left Jenna and her sister Faith at a very young age. They grew up there whole life without a father and a mother who was trying her best to be good mother for both of her girls. As the years went on Jenna became older and started to watch over Faith more and more and sooner or later she was always there for her sister yes the fights would come and go but they still stayed together as sisters. Yes both of those girls longed for a father but they both knew far too well that their father would not go get help so they knew that it was now or never that they shaped that family the way they wanted it.
However, when Jenna went on a road trip for 5 months of her life and she left everything she knew at home and left her family at home. She was scared that going on this trip would be hurting her family because she knew she couldn’t leave home without her sister being harmed. Jenna was also aware that her father might shine around Faith and her mother which cause them both pain and if she left they would have to deal with the hurt all by themselves.
In addition, Jenna also choices to watch over her severely sick grandmother, who is sick with a disease. Jenna visits her grandmother at the nursing home almost every day after school and would drop anything to be with her, and not only her grandmother, Jenna would drop anything for anyone is her family. This reminds me of the book “The Outsiders” by; S.E Hinton, because it’s a very family related book, everyone watches over each other and doesn’t let there family get hurt, just like the book “Rules of The Road”, Jenna cares about her family and protects everyone in it, her life, just like “The Outsiders”, revolves around family.  
“I guess I’m just afraid of leaving my family, they are my everything, they need me and I need them” This is something Jenna said to her grandmother while she as in process of deciding to leave to Texas or not. This is just proves how much family mattered in this family. Jenna relies on her family and they rely on her, that’s why her decision on going on the road trip or not was so difficult.  At the end Jenna did end up going, however she talked to her family members almost every day on the phone, this is why the books main theme is family.