Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Character and Award Essay

The Misunderstanding
It was November 3, 2004 when the mistake occurred, I should have known this was a mistake, how could I be the one everyone wants to be like?! Here is what happened.  A few days before the mistake occurred I got a phone call from an unknown number. I answered with fright in my voice, scared of who would be calling. Once I said hello, they asked to see me, Lucy! I replied with, this is she?  Long story short, he was the person in charge of awarding big important awards to big important people. It turns out that I was voted for the award “The Person That Everyone Wants To Be Award!”  I have to arrive at Hollywood in 2 weeks to be awarded.
Most people would have called their best friend, or loved ones right away, but not me.  I sat down on my old, worn down green chair, and just thought “How could I be the one that everyone wants to be like?!” It just didn’t make much sense. So after a half an hour of thinking, I called my best friend ever (she is also my amazing sister!) After 15 minutes of screaming, she finally settled down, and we decided to go to the mall. It occurred to me that I need an entire new wardrobe, because I am famous now everyone wants to be like me! 
                So, I brought all the money I could find in my house and borrowed some from others. I ended up getting 15 beautiful tight fitting dresses, 25 pairs of skinny jeans, 178 adorable t-shirts, and 53 cute swimsuits.  Lastly I ended up getting a few new accessories and 2 new coach purses for my sister! Once I finished shopping I called my husband and told everything from the unknown number to me buying 2 new cute coach purses for my little sis. He was surprised and asked me where I was sitting on the plane?! In my head I was thinking, “Oh shot! I forgot all about getting the plane tickets!”, but I said “I’m sitting in first class!” He replied nice and we continued our conversation by talking about work. So the second I got off the phone with him, I went online and booked the best sit I could find. 3 days later (the day I left for Hollywood) I got on the plane, and little did I know Tom (the awards guy) had already bought me first class plane tickets! Of course I ended up sitting in that sit, but I was mad that I wasted all that money on a seat that I’m not going to even use!
After landing I received another call from Tom saying how his butler is to my left with the sign stating “Award Winning Lucy.” He told me how he doesn’t know who I am, and to not be offended.  I quickly looked to my right and found is butler with the sign. I told Tom I found him and asked him what I should call his butler. He said that I should call him Butler, and then told me that Butler will be caring for me in Tom’s huge house because I will not be able to meet Tom until the night of the award ceremony due to work issues. I responded with a yes so loud and high, I almost broke the windows!
Butler drove me to Tom’s house and helped me unpack. Butler and I got along great and he toke fantastic care of me for the last 3 days I had there. Once the day of the Award Ceremony came I was so nervous. Looking back on it now, I don’ know why I was. I had my speech all planed out and had practiced it one thousand times. Before I knew it, 8pm came. I got dressed and beautiful, then headed out the ceremony. When in the car I felt good and thought I would do great. I repeated to myself that the worst thing that could happen would be that you make a tiny mistake when saying my speech, but I was wrong, way wrong. When I got announced by Tom for the “Person Everyone Wants to be Award”, I got up on stage, smiled at Tom and before I could start my speech, Tom laughed.  He laughed and said this is the wrong Lucy, I meant to contact Luck Kate Hale, and she was the one voted for this award! HAHAHA, everyone was laughing! I ran off stage so fast, I was scared and didn’t know what to say, or do! It was November 3, 2011 when The Mistake of my life time first occurred.
~Abigail Sharpee

Friday, May 6, 2011

Generosity-Quote Essay


Generosity is sometimes difficult to spot. Some people do not recognize small actions of kindness. Although, the quote "No act of kindness no matter how small, is ever wasted"-Aesop, helps the public realize that no matter what favor or act of kindness you do, big or small, it will never be wasted. 
That’s why I chose this quote; the meaning is a great lesson to be taught.  Teaching people that just giving a little can make a big difference in society, is a quality that everyone can carry on with them for several years. I also chose this quote because it really touched me. I found it inspiring and heartwarming to know that just the little things I do for someone, could have made their day! 

After research information and the meaning behind the quote, I found that the quote reminded me of some situations that I have experienced while I was crutches. So, every day I would have to ask one of my friends to carry my books from class to class for me. To them carrying my book wasn’t a big deal, but to me it was. I really appreciated my friends doing that for me. So, once I read this quote, I began to connect to what the quote is stating that no matter how small your act of kindness is, it is always appreciated. 

Although, appreciation cannot be possible without a form of generosity. However generosity is not spotted very often now days. Our generations of children have a difficult time identifying acts of kindness.  That’s why the quote, “No act of kindness no matter how small, is ever wasted” – Aesop, helps people realize that no matter what favor or act of kindness you do, big or small, it will never be wasted.