Friday, May 6, 2011

Generosity-Quote Essay


Generosity is sometimes difficult to spot. Some people do not recognize small actions of kindness. Although, the quote "No act of kindness no matter how small, is ever wasted"-Aesop, helps the public realize that no matter what favor or act of kindness you do, big or small, it will never be wasted. 
That’s why I chose this quote; the meaning is a great lesson to be taught.  Teaching people that just giving a little can make a big difference in society, is a quality that everyone can carry on with them for several years. I also chose this quote because it really touched me. I found it inspiring and heartwarming to know that just the little things I do for someone, could have made their day! 

After research information and the meaning behind the quote, I found that the quote reminded me of some situations that I have experienced while I was crutches. So, every day I would have to ask one of my friends to carry my books from class to class for me. To them carrying my book wasn’t a big deal, but to me it was. I really appreciated my friends doing that for me. So, once I read this quote, I began to connect to what the quote is stating that no matter how small your act of kindness is, it is always appreciated. 

Although, appreciation cannot be possible without a form of generosity. However generosity is not spotted very often now days. Our generations of children have a difficult time identifying acts of kindness.  That’s why the quote, “No act of kindness no matter how small, is ever wasted” – Aesop, helps people realize that no matter what favor or act of kindness you do, big or small, it will never be wasted. 

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