Monday, October 3, 2011

A Letter to Mrs.Mallard

Dear Mrs. Mallard
                In the tale “The Story of An Hour” it starts out making the reader fell bad for you because of your heart problem and the recent passing of your husband. Right away in the introduction it says how your sister doesn’t know how to tell you carefully that your husband passed, because you have a heart problem and she doesn’t want it to act up. 
Then there is a rising in action, your sister told you and you go up, or rise up the stair to go be alone in your room. You cry a little then you began to think about how now you are free from your husband and can now do more and live more freely. Which, I find so wrong! You shouldn’t be at all, even just a tiny but excited your husband is gone, even if that does mean freedom! I believe that is where you went wrong, but it wasn’t yet the climax.
Once you looked out your window and saw new life and new opportunities, you wanted to go downstairs to go outside and explore your all your new openings. As soon as  you closed the door of your room, your life could never go back to the way it was, it was the “climax”. That is because little did you know your husband wasn’t dead and was waiting for you at the bottom of the staircase, your “falling action” would be you walking down the stairs to find that everything that just became right was taken away from you.
As soon as you got to the bottom and saw your, so you thought dead husband, at the bottom, your heart stopped and you passed away, that brining you to your resolution because you did get a new life, just not where you intended it to be. I learned from this plot structure to be careful what you wish for because it might come true but in a different way than you intended it to be.
                                                                                                                Abigail Sharpee

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