Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Text Structure

In my book “April Morning” by Howard Fast, The main conflict is that the main character does not get along with his father and would do anything to please him. Although, he feels as if his father hates him because all his dad does is yell and find ways to punish him. So it does seem as if his father is not very fond of his son, but he is. The dad only does all of this stuff because he loves him, but his son doesn’t see that.

            Then something trigged the boy to realize he could join the army. At the time this seemed like a great idea, I mean no bossy, rude dad to yell and tell him what to do and no school or work, it all seemed pretty easy considering he made the age cut-off.  The only hard part would be telling his parents, since his dad already hated him, or so he thought, he just assumed it would be ok with him. Once he asked his dad his dad got very upset, the two argued all night and at the point I am in the book, his dad still isn’t ok with it but the boy still wants to go.

Friday, December 9, 2011


*Authors Note: This is a creative romance piece*
       Dan had it all; he had the looks, good grades and, was actually going to a college in California to be a surgeon. Also, Dan had the most perfect girlfriend in the world, Madi. She's a beautiful, skinny, tall, smart blonde who is also going to the same college as Dan to also be a surgeon. Although, one Tuesday at 3:00 pm that all changed. Dan was in his dorm; he had just finished his homework and was just chilling. Then his cellular device started ringing. Dan instantly jumped up and ran to the table where his phone laid, he hoping it was Madi, He quickly picked the phone up and answered with “Hello?” A girl on the other end replied “Hi Hun”, that’s when Dan knew it was Madi.

            They talked for hours and hours. Finally Madi said she had to go but first she had something she needed to share with Dan. Then Madi told him that she was switching colleges to somewhere in New York and how she doesn’t want to be a surgeon anymore, she would like to be a teacher. Dan didn’t say a word, his mouth just dropped to the floor.  The first thing Dan did end up saying was “You are leaving me?”  Madi replied with a yes and how sorry she was, she said that she didn’t want to but it would be better for her future. They talked a little more about things and she continually said how much she loved him but Dan didn’t know what to say, I mean she was choosing to leave him right? He felt as if he should be upset at her, but after lots of thinking he decided he will move with her.

           Except, there is only one problem, that they don’t have any medical colleges in New York. So Dan thought some more and made his final decision. Dan decided that he is going to drop out of college and move to New York with his girl friend, he made this decision because he was planning on proposing soon, and knows that Madi is the one for him. Dan feels as if his future isn’t in this college, it is in his wife and future family.  Once Dan told Madi his plan she jumped into his arms and said “I Love you.”Then Dan got down on one knee and proposed, of course Madi said yes, and the rest is a fairytale.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Assignment 1 response

If the point of view in “April Morning” by; Howard Fast, was different it would change the effect of the entire story. This novel is about a kid who has many problems with his dad and in order to escape him, the boy has decided he would like to goof to the army. Even though he and his dad fight a ton, his dad is making it clear that he doesn’t want his boy to go. The boy believes that his father just doesn’t want happiness for him.
                Although, maybe if the story was told from the fathers point of view things would be seen differently. Maybe the dad hates fighting with his son but is just trying to look at for him by protecting him. It might be real interesting to find out what is going through his father’s mind, and what he is thinking of when certain things occur. For example, the boy believes that his father doesn’t want him to join the army because his father doesn’t wan t the best for him. However, the dad could possibly just be worried for his son to join the army and doesn’t want to lose him. You never know what could be going through the fathers mind, So I think it might be interesting to find the fathers point of view in the book “April Morning” by; Howard Fast.

Monday, December 5, 2011

"What other point of veiw would be interesting to look at in your book?" Journal

The point of view of the main characters dad in “April Morning” would be completely different then his.  The main character always look at his dad badly, doesn’t believe in the same things as his dad and him and his father are always fight. He repeatedly stated how much he does not like his dad, mostly because he says that his dad doesn’t care for him or like him.  Although, if the story was told from his dads point of few, things would be different.   For instance, the main character says his dad yells at him for the most stupid stuff, but if you look at the dad’s point of view, maybe there were reasons behind why he was upset, that maybe his dad really does love him but just don’t show his feelings. Also the father is probably just trying to teach and guide the child who requires some yelling, or perhaps the dad might have had a hard day at work and is just taking it out on him. You never know what the other person is going through or how they see the situation, that why different points of views are such an important thing to remember.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Socs v.s Greasers

                Separation; is an act or instance of separating; a division between two different groups. There is separation between boys and girls, cats and dogs, ketchup and mustard; socs and greasers from the book “The Outsiders” by; S.E Hinton. Out of all these groups “The Outsiders” socs and greasers are the most separated. The socs and greasers are on the completely different side towns, wear different clothes, have different hair styles, and live completely different lives.

                Socs live wealthy and put together, they dress themselves up very nice and their always looking very appropriate and presentable.  Although, with such a good well mannered life you would think they would have a well mannered behavior, but some of them are not even close to that. Those socs, the ones that are not goodly mannered, know they are all that, they know they are rich and look as perfect as a Barbie doll, which gives them a very big head. This makes them believe that they are better then everyone, especially the greasers.

                The greasers are very poor, and they just get by day by day. Greasers also dress very poorly, and always have their hair slicked back with tons of grease. Most of the town’s people look at greasers as these trouble making kids who have no future and are never up to any good. Although, the truth about the greasers is that they are actually kind hearted, care and watch over each other. They treat and love everyone like they are family and they wish that there were no separation between the greasers and socs, just normal people. 

                Greasers, socs they are different in many ways. However, there is one thing they have in common that will always stay the same, they are both just groups of normal people. The problem they have is that they all have need to put aside what separates them to come together to realize they are just people.