Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Text Structure

In my book “April Morning” by Howard Fast, The main conflict is that the main character does not get along with his father and would do anything to please him. Although, he feels as if his father hates him because all his dad does is yell and find ways to punish him. So it does seem as if his father is not very fond of his son, but he is. The dad only does all of this stuff because he loves him, but his son doesn’t see that.

            Then something trigged the boy to realize he could join the army. At the time this seemed like a great idea, I mean no bossy, rude dad to yell and tell him what to do and no school or work, it all seemed pretty easy considering he made the age cut-off.  The only hard part would be telling his parents, since his dad already hated him, or so he thought, he just assumed it would be ok with him. Once he asked his dad his dad got very upset, the two argued all night and at the point I am in the book, his dad still isn’t ok with it but the boy still wants to go.