Sunday, December 4, 2011

Socs v.s Greasers

                Separation; is an act or instance of separating; a division between two different groups. There is separation between boys and girls, cats and dogs, ketchup and mustard; socs and greasers from the book “The Outsiders” by; S.E Hinton. Out of all these groups “The Outsiders” socs and greasers are the most separated. The socs and greasers are on the completely different side towns, wear different clothes, have different hair styles, and live completely different lives.

                Socs live wealthy and put together, they dress themselves up very nice and their always looking very appropriate and presentable.  Although, with such a good well mannered life you would think they would have a well mannered behavior, but some of them are not even close to that. Those socs, the ones that are not goodly mannered, know they are all that, they know they are rich and look as perfect as a Barbie doll, which gives them a very big head. This makes them believe that they are better then everyone, especially the greasers.

                The greasers are very poor, and they just get by day by day. Greasers also dress very poorly, and always have their hair slicked back with tons of grease. Most of the town’s people look at greasers as these trouble making kids who have no future and are never up to any good. Although, the truth about the greasers is that they are actually kind hearted, care and watch over each other. They treat and love everyone like they are family and they wish that there were no separation between the greasers and socs, just normal people. 

                Greasers, socs they are different in many ways. However, there is one thing they have in common that will always stay the same, they are both just groups of normal people. The problem they have is that they all have need to put aside what separates them to come together to realize they are just people.

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