Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lyrics v.s Poem

"Big Yellow Taxi" is wrote to let people know that you don't know what you got until its gone. The tone the author set for this poem/song is that she is depressed, and sad because they took something away from her that meant a lot. They mood is you feel sad but inspired by her because the readers know now to  don’t take things you have for granted. However, the song was very different, the mood seemed happy and the tone was almost cheerful. When I read it as a poem it came off sad but she sings the song happily.  This shows that maybe I shouldn't have took the poem the way I did and maybe I should have looked at it from different points of view also. Although, it almost confuses me because the words seem sad but her tone of voice when she sings it seem really happy. It frustrates me because now I don’t have a clue about what  the mood or tone of this songs is!

"Field Below" is wrote to let the readers know that once something is gone for good you will miss it and wish it never left.  The tone is very regretful, the writer regrets her decision of leaving her hometown for the city. That reflects on the mood of the song and makes the readers/listeners  very sad for the girl in the song. However, unlike the song "Big Yellow Taxi", once I listened to "Field Blow" the mood of the song stays the same, even the way she sings it makes the listeners feel sad for her.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Family As We Know It.

*Author'snote- This is a 5 paragraph essay on graded on theme from the book "Rules Of The Road." *
Each family has got its share of problems and it’s about working through those problems as a family, that’s what makes you a stronger family. Same goes for Jenna in the book “Rules Road of the Road” her family has got its share of problems but Jenna promised her sister that they would work thought those problems and become a better and stronger family. That is why the main theme in the book Rules of the Road is family.
To start off with, Jenna’s father is an alcoholic and left Jenna and her sister Faith at a very young age. They grew up there whole life without a father and a mother who was trying her best to be good mother for both of her girls. As the years went on Jenna became older and started to watch over Faith more and more and sooner or later she was always there for her sister yes the fights would come and go but they still stayed together as sisters. Yes both of those girls longed for a father but they both knew far too well that their father would not go get help so they knew that it was now or never that they shaped that family the way they wanted it.
However, when Jenna went on a road trip for 5 months of her life and she left everything she knew at home and left her family at home. She was scared that going on this trip would be hurting her family because she knew she couldn’t leave home without her sister being harmed. Jenna was also aware that her father might shine around Faith and her mother which cause them both pain and if she left they would have to deal with the hurt all by themselves.
In addition, Jenna also choices to watch over her severely sick grandmother, who is sick with a disease. Jenna visits her grandmother at the nursing home almost every day after school and would drop anything to be with her, and not only her grandmother, Jenna would drop anything for anyone is her family. This reminds me of the book “The Outsiders” by; S.E Hinton, because it’s a very family related book, everyone watches over each other and doesn’t let there family get hurt, just like the book “Rules of The Road”, Jenna cares about her family and protects everyone in it, her life, just like “The Outsiders”, revolves around family.  
“I guess I’m just afraid of leaving my family, they are my everything, they need me and I need them” This is something Jenna said to her grandmother while she as in process of deciding to leave to Texas or not. This is just proves how much family mattered in this family. Jenna relies on her family and they rely on her, that’s why her decision on going on the road trip or not was so difficult.  At the end Jenna did end up going, however she talked to her family members almost every day on the phone, this is why the books main theme is family.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Prediction Piece

         *Authors Note: This is a Prediction piece from the book Rules of the Road by Joan Bauer.*

               As I continue to read this story I get more and more into it, and I have begun to have a prediction of what will happen. I predict that Mrs. Gladstone will not give the business to her slob of a son, Elden, but she is going to give it to the hardworking Jenna. I think this because you can tell that Mrs. Gladstone really likes Jenna, and she can tell that Jenna enjoys the business and is very responsible. Just like what Jenna grandmother told her, "As long as you try hard and never give up things will come your way", so I believe since Jenna has worked so hard with the store that Mrs. Gladstone will hand the business over to Jenna. Now, Mrs. Gladstone might be old and mean but she has a softer side. She will not give into Elden, in my mind she is not the weak minded. I really hope that she comes to her senses and hands over the business to Jenna, or another loyal worker of hers.

Text Analysis Piece

       *Authors Note: This is a reflection piece on a quote from the book I’m reading called "The Rules of the Road" by Joan Bauer. The quote is taken place in the story, after a very important friend of a woman named Mrs. Gladstone, passes away. Mrs. Gladstone is talking to Jenna, her driver, about just giving up on a mission they've been trying to accomplish because of this friends passing.* 

"I just know things happen more than I'd like because the world has got more than its share of problems."

          These wise words spoken by Mrs.Gladstone shows that she is not an old pathetic woman even though she might come off as it. She is wise and strong-minded; she learned so much and knows almost all you can about life. Although she does come across problems throughout her life time, she is able to solve them. In fact, these words were taken place during one of those problems. She was about to give up on something that held the most importance to her life. This quote does resemble, not only intelligence and wisdom, but also the fact of not giving up; through these words, you are shown that you can’t always have things your way. You can tell that Mrs. Gladstone was exhausted with all the problems that had occurred lately, and her close friend, Harry Bender, passing, took her off the edge. 

                Mrs. Gladstone was an older lady that had cared a lot about her costumers and the shoes she sold. She had faced her problems in life just like everyone else had to. But she of all people did not under any circumstance put up with any nonsense ever, and that is how she was known by the public.
 Although, this quote shows that she almost gave up being a tough women like she normally is. Mrs. Gladstone is wise and does end up coming to her senses with a little help from Jenna. This quote is when Mrs. Gladstone really got put off the edge by all of the drama occurring, and this was what saved her from making a big career mistake. That career mistake was handing over her business to her son, this would have been terrible because her job is her life and if she would have given up her job, its giving up her life. If she never even thought about handing the business over to her son, she would have simplified her life and many of her problems.

 However, this quote is appealing to me because she is such a tough, strong hearted person and kind of reminds me of the character Cammie from the book “I’d Tell You I Love You but Then I’d Have to Kill You” by Ally Carter. Cammie, is a tough spy in training who would never take any bullying or non-sense from any one. Also, just like Mrs. Gladestone, Cammie is independent and strong minded, also does things by herself, the right way, and her way.

So to me, the quote reassures all readers that even the toughest people, have their problems in life. But no matter what your hardships are in life, you have to face them and try to make the best out of it, just like Mrs. Gladstone did, and things will all come together in the end.  

Monday, March 19, 2012

So Sorry

I have taken 
the gear                                                                               
that was in
the closet 
and which
you were probably
for the mission 
Forgive me
 I was lazy 
but it just 
looked so amazing 

This is a poem about the book “I’d tell you I love you but then I would have to kill you” It’s about a girl who is a spy. In this poem, the tone is that this girl is incapable to do things by herself, she is lazy and is not sincerly sorry. The mood of book is that Cammie is mad and frustrated.In this poem Cammie is talking to Bex and is mocking Bex that she has to go get more gear because Cammie took it.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mother to Son

            In the poem "Mother to Son" there are many differnet types of figurative lanuguage. One of them is metaphors. The methphor used in this peom is"Life ain't been no crystal stair" this is used to show what that the mothers life has hard and rough but she has and still is pushing through it. She did not get things handed to her, she had to work for what she wante d, and she is telling this to her son for him to know to never give up. This makes the mood of the poem make you feel sympathatic for her and look up to her. The author was trying to make us stronger and make the tone of the story to never give up and even when times get tough to push through it, just like what the mother is telling her son.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Character Discription

Cammie Morgan is quite an astonishing teenager, she goes to Gallagher Academy For Exceptional Young Woman, which is not the typical all girls school. This school teaches and trains these girls on how to be an excellent spy. They are taught martial arts, hot to work with chemical warfare, and how to crack CIA codes. Lots of people call this spectacular school, “A school for Genius’s” but no, its school for spy’s and Cammie’s mom is the Headmistress.  
Even with Cammie having a Headmistress mom, she doesn’t get special treatment, she has to strive and work as hard as everyone else. However, that’s not an issue for Cammie, because she is very hardworking and determined. In addition, Cammie is super nice, outgoing and laidback. She is the tallest girl in her grade, and is  as skinny as a twig. Cammie also has eyes as blue as the sky, and the most beautiful light brown hair in the world. She has tons of friends and all teachers love her. Although, the one thing that gets Cammie into some trouble is her curiosity, sometimes she takes it too far and discovers things and meets people she wishes she never did.