Sunday, March 25, 2012

Text Analysis Piece

       *Authors Note: This is a reflection piece on a quote from the book I’m reading called "The Rules of the Road" by Joan Bauer. The quote is taken place in the story, after a very important friend of a woman named Mrs. Gladstone, passes away. Mrs. Gladstone is talking to Jenna, her driver, about just giving up on a mission they've been trying to accomplish because of this friends passing.* 

"I just know things happen more than I'd like because the world has got more than its share of problems."

          These wise words spoken by Mrs.Gladstone shows that she is not an old pathetic woman even though she might come off as it. She is wise and strong-minded; she learned so much and knows almost all you can about life. Although she does come across problems throughout her life time, she is able to solve them. In fact, these words were taken place during one of those problems. She was about to give up on something that held the most importance to her life. This quote does resemble, not only intelligence and wisdom, but also the fact of not giving up; through these words, you are shown that you can’t always have things your way. You can tell that Mrs. Gladstone was exhausted with all the problems that had occurred lately, and her close friend, Harry Bender, passing, took her off the edge. 

                Mrs. Gladstone was an older lady that had cared a lot about her costumers and the shoes she sold. She had faced her problems in life just like everyone else had to. But she of all people did not under any circumstance put up with any nonsense ever, and that is how she was known by the public.
 Although, this quote shows that she almost gave up being a tough women like she normally is. Mrs. Gladstone is wise and does end up coming to her senses with a little help from Jenna. This quote is when Mrs. Gladstone really got put off the edge by all of the drama occurring, and this was what saved her from making a big career mistake. That career mistake was handing over her business to her son, this would have been terrible because her job is her life and if she would have given up her job, its giving up her life. If she never even thought about handing the business over to her son, she would have simplified her life and many of her problems.

 However, this quote is appealing to me because she is such a tough, strong hearted person and kind of reminds me of the character Cammie from the book “I’d Tell You I Love You but Then I’d Have to Kill You” by Ally Carter. Cammie, is a tough spy in training who would never take any bullying or non-sense from any one. Also, just like Mrs. Gladestone, Cammie is independent and strong minded, also does things by herself, the right way, and her way.

So to me, the quote reassures all readers that even the toughest people, have their problems in life. But no matter what your hardships are in life, you have to face them and try to make the best out of it, just like Mrs. Gladstone did, and things will all come together in the end.  

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