Tuesday, November 15, 2011


                                                By: Abigail Sharpee

On September 11, 2001, two planes intentionally hit into the twin towers, not only destroying years of hard work, but most importantly taking the lives of thousands of innocent civilians. This horrifying tragedy changed the lives of Americans all over our country. Especially affected were the Americans who lost loved ones or had been touched by someone who was lost in the disaster of the twin towers, world trade center, and pentagon. It caused pain and sorrow to them knowing that they never got to say goodbye; some never found the bodies of their loved ones, or found out what had happened to them on that very depressing day.
            However, one day the sign of relief and clarification came knocking for the Crowther family when they found some type of evidence of their beloved Welles who died in the South tower of the World Trait Center. One afternoon Mr. Crowther was reading about this woman who survived the twin tour hit and was saying that a man who carried a red handkerchief saved her and many others’ lives. Right then is when the Crowther’s knew that was their Welles, that is because ever since Welles was 6 he started wearing a red handkerchief everywhere he went, it was his trademark. So the Crowther’s contacted this woman and sent her a picture asking if Welles was really the man who had saved her life, her immediate response was “Yes that is the man who saved me from my death.”
Later on the woman began to explain what Welles did in the last few seconds of his life. She said that he lead about 5 people down a 65 flight staircase he had found which had a group of firemen waiting at the bottom. Once they reached the bottom, the firemen lead them to a pathway out of the building. Instead of following the rest of them to the exit, Welles climbed all the way back up and brought down more people to safety, he did this 6 times. On his 7th time up, the tower collapsed, not giving Welles the chance to rescue himself. So 24 year old Welles laid there, next to his red handkerchief and the others he didn’t get the chance to help.
For some it’s a day of remembrance like for the Cowther’s family; others it’s a day of thanks like for the ones who survived. However, for the entire nation, September 11, 2001 was a day that will go down in history followed by the heroic actions of our country’s people. We will not only mourn from the happenings of this day but we shall learn from it. The taking of lives and actions that occurred that day only proves that our country is strong; we will get back on our feet and improve on our mistakes. While patching up the holes that 9/11 created, we will also never forget the sacrifices made by our people that horrifying day.

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