Sunday, January 22, 2012

Loyalty, Dedication, and Bravery

Loyalty, Dedication, and bravery are the three qualities you must have to serve your country through the armed forces.  Our, America’s, armed forces sacrifice so much for us each and every day, by fighting in wars to keep every human being in America, safe and unharmed. However, the sacrifice and loyalty of one serving their country really didn’t start till the Revolutionary War back in 1775. The Revolutionary War was between the British and Americans, the war was for land, if the British won they took the land the Americans owned, and made it part of Britain. However, if the Americans won the British had to leave and they got to keep their land.  
However, the war was has been told from many different points of views, and has been exaggerated a tad, like in movies, for example “The Patriot”. My social studies class and I watched the Patriot  and it was a little more dramatic, then the real thing, and it had lots of added  scenes that were not actual events that occurred.  For example, in the movie Benjamin Martin( the father) and his dead wives sister got married , in the real Revolutionary War you wouldn’t be able to take a break in order to get married. You also wouldn’t have as much social time as the movies stresses they do.    
Even though the movie and the reality do have their differences, they do have similarities also. Some of the many similarities they have would be that in both the movie and reality, they fight in a war to determine who owns a certain part and amount of land; they have the same battle techniques, also  they both have  army of some sort and a leader trying to lead them in the right direction. Those are a few reasons that make the two similar.
 So as you can see, in many ways the Revolutionary War movie and reality are very similar, but, quite different. There similarities really make the two seem very alike, but once who hear the differences, it make you think a little bit more. The difference and similarities of these two subjects are very interesting and make each category unique while still stressing the interesting facts of the Revolutionary war

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