Sunday, January 29, 2012

Thank You Ma'am

*Authors Note: This a piece about a quote from the short story "Thank You Ma'am".*

        “Roger, you go to that sink and wash your face,” said the woman, whereupon she turned him loose--at last. Roger looked at the door—looked at the woman—looked at the door—and went to the sink.

This quote resembles trust, that Roger now trusts the woman and is beginning to realize that she is not there to hurt and punish him for the wrong he has done. She is taking him under her wing and showing him that there are better ways to get what you want in life without hurting others. Roger here is coming to the conclusion that the woman is trying to help him by feeding and cleaning him up.

As a result, when the woman let Roger loose as he had been waiting for, he glanced at the door and then at the woman, debating whether he should run away, or stay. Then he repeatedly looked at the door and the woman, and went to the sink to wash off his face as told. He decided to go to the sink because of his trust of the woman and Roger knew that nothing good would come from attempting to escape. Rogers trust turned into something great, by not running away, he got food in his stomach and cleaned up, all it took was a little trust in the woman.

Boy Proof

*Authors Note: This is a prediction piece on a book I recently began to read called "Boy Proof" by; Cecil Castelucci* 

            Egg, real name Victoria Jurgen, a high school girl who took the nickname "Egg" after a hero in a Science Fiction movie call "Terminal Earth." she not only names herself after the character but she acts, exactly like her too. Egg, Considers herself "boy proof", she does not like boys, or associate with them, and they ignore her right back. Until one day a boy named Max joined almost every single one of her classes. Now, Max is always around her and hanging out with her. This is weird for Egg, in her eyes she is boy proof and to have this one boy just pop right into her life, makes her uncomfortable. Max, however, is the opposite, he feels comfortable around her, as if Egg is the only one who understands him but really she just wants him to leave. Although, lately in the book I've noticed that Egg and Max have began to grow closer and closer. I predict that Max will begin flirting and crushing on Egg, and Egg will also begin to have feelings for Max she has never experienced before. Which is good because I believe that Max would be good for Egg, he understands her and cares for her in a way no one ever has? At the end of the book I think, and hope that Egg and Max will be a couple.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Heaven is for Real

*Authors Note: This is a retelling story on "Heaven is For Real" by; Todd Burpo*

        After an emergency appendectomy, and a unbelievable recovery, 4 year old Colton Burpo had more going on then the appendectomy. A few months after the incident, Colton's family found out the amazing truth of what was really going on with Colton on that extraordinary day. He claimed of leaving his body during the surgery and taking a trip to heaven and back. Colton began explaining heaven, angels, and god to his parents. He also told him mother and father all the people he had saw there, some who he has never met or heard of before. Heaven is for Real gives you a glance at what is waiting for us, told by Colton’s father but explained using Colton’s descriptions. Heaven is for Real will change your point of view on how you see life and the way you should live it.

The Effect of Depression

The Effect of Depression
Depression is a factor that can ruin many people’s lives, like it did to the character’s Adam, from “April Morning” by; Howard Fast, and Isabelle, from “Perfect by; Natasha Friend. Theses to characters both have a big character trait in common. This common trait is depression, and hatred. Both Adam and Isabelle have hate towards others, and also have some problems of their own that causes slight depression. 
Adam, he comes from a big family in a small town, he would like to join the army but his father won’t let him because he thinks it’s too dangerous, but Adam thinks it’s because his father hates him, which cause some of the depression and hatred towards his father. Now Isabelle comes from a big city, her father lives in a different state and her mother is never home, she doesn’t fit in at school, which forces her to be self-conscious and become anorexic. Isabelle has hatred towards her parents for never being there for her and her depression come from not fitting in and not having a normal at home life.
Actually both Isabelle and Adam have problems with their parents. Since Isabelle’s dad doesn’t live with her, and her mom is never around, which then forces Isabelle to have negative feelings towards he mother and father. Also Isabelle doesn’t have much of a social life, and she is very uncomfortable her her body, as a result she became anorexic. So overall, all the negative feelings turn into something bigger, depression. Adam has problems real similar to Isabelle’s. Except for Adam’s parents are around, all the time and that’s the problem. Adam was becoming annoyed with his parents and wanted to get away from home for awhile. He finally decided he would go out for war, but this father wouldn’t let him. That’s where the hatred started, Adam got upset that his father wouldn’t let him join the war, so Adam began to think that his dad doesn’t love him anymore, also he doesn’t have many friends and he feels as if he doesn’t fit in with his family. That’s where Adams depression all started.  
So, Adam and Isabelle’s depressions are very similar, but each one has its own unique twist. Isabelle has problems with her social life, body appearance, and her parents are never home to be there for her. Then Adam also has social problems, but his parents are always around, yet he still feels as if they don’t like him. However, in the end both characters find a solution to their depression problems, and turn their lives around completely.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

From His Eyes

*Authors Note: In my language arts class we read the short story, "Thank You Ma'am" by LangstonHughes. So i wrote an essay on the main character, Rogers point of view.*

         From his eyes, he wasn't doing anything wrong, he wasn't committing a terrible crime, he was simply trying to get money for a pair of shoes. However the woman reacted differently then he had thought she would. Then the woman dragged him into her house, he was frightened of what she had planned for him back at he house, and he just wanted to run back from where he came from. 

        Although, when they reached the house he, Roger, came to a conclusion, that she would not let him go and if he ran there might be worse consequences then what he already had coming. So when the opportunity came for him to run, he didn't. Roger looked at the door, at the woman back at the door, and went to the sink to wash his face, as the lady told him to. Then something surprise occurred, the lady fed, cared for, then lectured him and finally let him go. No consequence, nor labor, she just let him go with nothing but a few wise words, don't steel, just ask; things come to those who wait, and lastly be proper and respectful to others. Roger was shocked when he left and wanted to thank them woman  but couldn't get there words out before she shout the door. Roger never saw the woman again, and to this day he wonders what she has done, and where she has been,because this one woman changed his life.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Loyalty, Dedication, and Bravery

Loyalty, Dedication, and bravery are the three qualities you must have to serve your country through the armed forces.  Our, America’s, armed forces sacrifice so much for us each and every day, by fighting in wars to keep every human being in America, safe and unharmed. However, the sacrifice and loyalty of one serving their country really didn’t start till the Revolutionary War back in 1775. The Revolutionary War was between the British and Americans, the war was for land, if the British won they took the land the Americans owned, and made it part of Britain. However, if the Americans won the British had to leave and they got to keep their land.  
However, the war was has been told from many different points of views, and has been exaggerated a tad, like in movies, for example “The Patriot”. My social studies class and I watched the Patriot  and it was a little more dramatic, then the real thing, and it had lots of added  scenes that were not actual events that occurred.  For example, in the movie Benjamin Martin( the father) and his dead wives sister got married , in the real Revolutionary War you wouldn’t be able to take a break in order to get married. You also wouldn’t have as much social time as the movies stresses they do.    
Even though the movie and the reality do have their differences, they do have similarities also. Some of the many similarities they have would be that in both the movie and reality, they fight in a war to determine who owns a certain part and amount of land; they have the same battle techniques, also  they both have  army of some sort and a leader trying to lead them in the right direction. Those are a few reasons that make the two similar.
 So as you can see, in many ways the Revolutionary War movie and reality are very similar, but, quite different. There similarities really make the two seem very alike, but once who hear the differences, it make you think a little bit more. The difference and similarities of these two subjects are very interesting and make each category unique while still stressing the interesting facts of the Revolutionary war