Wednesday, January 25, 2012

From His Eyes

*Authors Note: In my language arts class we read the short story, "Thank You Ma'am" by LangstonHughes. So i wrote an essay on the main character, Rogers point of view.*

         From his eyes, he wasn't doing anything wrong, he wasn't committing a terrible crime, he was simply trying to get money for a pair of shoes. However the woman reacted differently then he had thought she would. Then the woman dragged him into her house, he was frightened of what she had planned for him back at he house, and he just wanted to run back from where he came from. 

        Although, when they reached the house he, Roger, came to a conclusion, that she would not let him go and if he ran there might be worse consequences then what he already had coming. So when the opportunity came for him to run, he didn't. Roger looked at the door, at the woman back at the door, and went to the sink to wash his face, as the lady told him to. Then something surprise occurred, the lady fed, cared for, then lectured him and finally let him go. No consequence, nor labor, she just let him go with nothing but a few wise words, don't steel, just ask; things come to those who wait, and lastly be proper and respectful to others. Roger was shocked when he left and wanted to thank them woman  but couldn't get there words out before she shout the door. Roger never saw the woman again, and to this day he wonders what she has done, and where she has been,because this one woman changed his life.

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