Saturday, January 28, 2012

Heaven is for Real

*Authors Note: This is a retelling story on "Heaven is For Real" by; Todd Burpo*

        After an emergency appendectomy, and a unbelievable recovery, 4 year old Colton Burpo had more going on then the appendectomy. A few months after the incident, Colton's family found out the amazing truth of what was really going on with Colton on that extraordinary day. He claimed of leaving his body during the surgery and taking a trip to heaven and back. Colton began explaining heaven, angels, and god to his parents. He also told him mother and father all the people he had saw there, some who he has never met or heard of before. Heaven is for Real gives you a glance at what is waiting for us, told by Colton’s father but explained using Colton’s descriptions. Heaven is for Real will change your point of view on how you see life and the way you should live it.

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